It seems like only a few years ago we were eagerly running to the TV so as not to miss the new episode of “Clone” or the long-awaited premiere of “Terminator”. Those moments were real events, and we lived in anticipation of the next episodes. Many years have passed, and we are surprised to realize how quickly time has passed. The children who once played the main roles in our favorite films and series have long since grown up. For some of them, the screen has become an inseparable part of life, and many of these stars are already parents, experiencing many unforgettable events and changes, both in their careers and private lives. However, there are also those who, after their first successes, disappeared from the field of view of viewers, leaving only vivid figures from the past in the memory of fans.
This realization reminds us how many years have passed, and with them how much the world of cinema and television has changed. What do these actors look like today, whom we remember as children, and how did their fates turn out after so many years? We decided to go back in time to find out who of them continued their careers and who chose a completely different path in life.
Karla Dias (“Clones”)
Over 20 years ago, the series “Clone” hit Brazilian television screens and quickly gained popularity in other countries. The main roles were played by well-known actors. Carla Dias, who played Hadisha – the daughter of the heroine Antonella, joined the project when she was only 11 years old.
Today, Carla Dias is already 34 years old, and there is no trace of the image of a little girl – she has transformed into a real beauty and often shares her photos.
Stefanie di Brito (“Clones”)
In the series “Clones”, actress Stefanie di Brito played the role of Samira, the daughter of Latifa and Mohamad, when she was only 14 years old, and quickly won the sympathy of viewers. In 2018, Stefanie married for the second time — to lawyer Igor Raczkowski, and two years later their child, son Enrico, was born.
Michael Conner Humphrey (“Forrest Gump”)
Michael Conner Humphrey was born in 1985. When he starred in the film “Forrest Gump”, he was 9 years old.
Edward Furlong (“Terminator 2: Judgment Day”)
Edward Furlong became a world star at the age of fourteen thanks to his role as John Connor in the blockbuster “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”. The actor is currently 47 years old.
Macaulay Culkin (“Home Alone”)
One of the most important child actors in Hollywood history is Macaulay Culkin, who gained fame thanks to his leading role in the film “Home Alone”. Macaulay Culkin was born on August 26, 1980, and was raised in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City, in the family of former Broadway actor Christopher Cornelius Culkin.