Schlitzie Girl – that’s what they called her in the circus: who was this man and what was his destiny?


Looking at this person in the photo, you can see that he evokes a lot of strong emotions. Some may notice a mischievous smile appearing on their faces, others may feel sympathy or pity, some may burst into laughter, and some may even feel a shiver of fear. Each of us experiences an intense reaction. It’s difficult to remain indifferent or simply move on. That’s why I decided to write about this truly special person.

Nicknamed “The Last of the Aztecs”, “The Monkey” and “The Bearded Woman”, this man appeared in the circus under several sensational titles to arouse the public’s interest. People wanted excitement and entertainment, encouraging the animator to create new and fascinating legends each time. But behind these great stories was the true star of the circus, a man people paid to watch. Behind the circus facade was a kind and sincere person with a difficult life story. So who was this man? Let’s discover your story.

First of all, the person in the photos is a man. The bow braid and feminine clothing he often wore during performances were part of his circus personality. The true story of this man is shrouded in mystery. Details about his parents, name and exact date of birth are unknown. One account suggests that he was called Simon Metz and was born in September 1901.


His parents probably abandoned him because of his unusual appearance, taking him to the circus, where he found acceptance. To the public he was a curiosity, but to the circus group he was family. Simon suffered from a rare condition called microcephaly, which meant his distinctive appearance and level of development as a three-year-old required constant attention. His adoptive father, animal trainer George Curtis, adopted him and cared for him as if he were his own son.

In the circus, Simon’s name was Schlitzi. This name was probably chosen on purpose, as it was often portrayed as a girl. Taking on his new father’s surname, he became Schlitzi Curtis. Schlitzi was only 120 cm tall and had disproportionate body parts due to his condition. He became a circus star in the 1920s and gained greatest fame for his role in the 1932 film “Freaks,” in which he played himself. The film was bold and sometimes harsh, causing considerable controversy and causing it to be banned for 30 years.

In 1965, George Curtis died, leaving Schlitzi without a guardian. Having difficulty finding his place in society, he was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he withdrew. Fortunately, at the hospital he met Bill Unks, a circus sword swallower. They became friends and Bill ended up removing Schlitzi from the institution and placing him under his personal care, returning to the track.

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