Virginia and Catalina are two Argentine albino girls who went viral on social media after their birth four years ago. In 2018, Jorge Gomez and his wife received the good news that they would become parents of twin girls. The couple already had a son and were happy when doctors told them they were expecting twins. According to Gomez, the pregnancy was normal and his wife visited her doctor regularly.
“When they told us the news that we were going to have two babies, we were very happy, and when we saw them at birth and realized that they were albinos, that joy shouldn’t have changed everything. For us, it’s a blessing,” he told local media.
The father of three said there were no complications and everything went well. However, at 36 weeks, doctors told her that they had to deliver immediately. That’s why the girls were born prematurely at 36 weeks. But they were healthy and weighed normally. Catalina was born two minutes before Virginia. They both weighed 5.95 pounds and 5.5 pounds respectively.
The peculiarity of the newborns was their milky white hair. Gomez and his wife had never seen such children before, and otherwise the girls made an overnight sensation in Argentina in 2018, making headlines in many media and newspapers. Their photos spread on the internet, causing amazement at giving birth to two little girls with snow-white hair.
According to LV12, the twins were born with a rare genetic disorder called albinism, which is characterized by a lack of pigmentation in the skin. People with albinism do not have enough melanin pigment in their skin and are born with white or blonde hair. This condition also affects their color and vision. Some babies even have red hair, depending on the melanin content of their skin.
Catalina and Virginia were the first children born with albinism in Argentina. Their rare condition has made them popular in the country. “When they told us the news that we were going to have two babies, we were very happy, and when we saw them at their birth and saw that they were albinos, the joy hasn’t changed at all,” Jorge Gomez told LV12.
Mom gives birth to rare albino twins with snow-white hair
He said he felt very blessed to be their father and never thought they were different from the other children or that there was anything wrong with them: “There were a few precautions that we had to take into account as parents.” “For example, girls are extremely sensitive to UV rays, which can attack their skin and cause sunburn or, in the worst case, even cancer,” Gomez added.
Mom gives birth to rare albino twins with snow-white hair
“That’s why we always have to be extra careful and make sure they are not exposed to the sun and are well protected from extreme weather conditions, especially in hot weather.” The twins are now four years old and look even more beautiful as they grow.