A young girl with Down syndrome’s journey from being in an institution to becoming a famous model, just see her now.


It is sometimes said that the differences between us are what make the world go round. We will come to understand that we live in a diverse world and from time to time it is necessary to look beyond the differences and realize the beauty of our similarities.

One difference that is sometimes seen is when a person is born with special needs. Although this can manifest itself in different ways, a specific example is when a person is born with Down syndrome.

Kennedy Garcia is one of these girls. When she was born in Colorado Springs, doctors recommended institutionalizing her, saying that due to Down syndrome, her quality of life would be poor. The prognosis given to the parents was not optimistic; she was told that she would need adult diapers and that she would be better cared for in a specialized institution.

Kennedy’s mother, Renee, refused to accept this bleak prognosis, believing that the doctors were not telling the whole truth. So he quickly sent them out of the hospital room. Renee was determined not to give up on her baby, believing she could raise him to be an extraordinary person.

Today, the girl is not only doing well, she is thriving. Kennedy has competed in dance competitions, modeled for brands and even battled cancer and survived leukemia.

Renee said: “The night Kennedy arrived, I was devastated to hear she had this condition because the doctors and nurses only gave me a negative and gloomy picture and had no idea what the future held for my daughter.

Doctors intended to institutionalize a little girl with down syndrome …

Girl with Down syndrome that doctors wanted to institutionalize becomes top model | Metro News
It wasn’t until the next night, when a kind midwife told me that Kennedy was beautiful and just like her daughter, who also had the same condition, that I felt a ray of hope.

The first thing I asked her was if her daughter could walk because I didn’t know what it meant to have that condition and she just laughed. Her daughter was 16 and of course knew how to walk.

You never know what a person is capable of until they have the opportunity to do it. Kennedy is more than someone who overcame obstacles; she is an inspiration to us all.

Doctors intended to institutionalize a little girl with down syndrome ...

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