Sarah Pestella, a beauty salon employee in Florida, was faced with the challenge of a lifetime when a woman named Holly walked into the salon. Holly, who works as a security guard, walked into the salon wearing work clothes and long, tangled hair. It reached down to her thighs, and it was clear that she hadn’t had a haircut in years.
But now Holly wanted a change, as her wedding was coming up. Holly’s hair was not only long, but dry, damaged, and uneven in color. The reason she had had it long all this time was because her father had once said, “Women must have long hair to be beautiful.” Holly had always remembered her father’s words and had refused to cut her hair.
But now she was ready for a big makeover… Before her wedding to the love of her life, Holly finally felt that the time had come for a makeover. However, for Sarah Pestella and her colleagues it was no easy task. The hairdressers had to cut off about two feet of hair.
The colouring took 7 hours. And I think no one can deny that Holly was unrecognisable. Just look at the photos, don’t she look gorgeous? According to hairdresser Sarah, her client Holly was more than happy with the result. Holly got a new hairstyle and hair colour for her wedding and she looked absolutely gorgeous.