Many of our followers will remember actress Kathleen Turner from films such as “Romancing the Stone” and “The Jewel of the Nile.” The 69-year-old actress has undergone noticeable changes over the past 20 years
Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas. Image from the movie “Romancing the Stone.”
Fans did not recognize the actress, who lived for many years in the shadow of her characters and rarely left the walls of her home. “No one is exempt from aging.
None of us have gotten younger in the past 20 years.”
Kathleen Turner in her youth.
“Unexpected,” “I would have never guessed it was the famous actress.
Here’s what Kathleen looks like today.
“Kathleen was a beauty in her youth,” “If she hadn’t undergone surgery, she would still be attractive.
Time doesn’t stop,” “Youth is so fleeting,” write users in the comments under the new photos of Michael Douglas’ partner.
I would like to know your opinion. Did people recognize Turner in the new images?