When the 20-year-old grandson of Sergei Bondarchuk and Irina Skobtseva married a billionaire’s daughter, fans of the Bondarchuk dynasty said knowingly: ‘The grandson of legends could not marry a commoner.
How the elite was disappointed when the heir of a famous family left the rich girl for a modest public relations manager. Let’s remember that Konstantin had a daughter from his first marriage, but the heart wants what it wants.
‘The beautiful are loved, but they marry simple girls’, ‘You cannot command the heart. Who needs money if there is emptiness inside?’ ‘People who try to connect their lives to millionaires are after a pretty wrapper.
‘Kostya knows this rotten industry from the inside, so she chose a girl from the people’, ‘A beautiful couple.
Beautiful couple,’ ‘I wish you happiness,’ I read under the pair’s photos.